Train Pet Dog

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guian Icus (Mikey)

The sounds he relates to. He will be my Big Foot. Mia Bitches him around and he eventually howls like he's tortured. I spring awake just to find he has to do that in order to REALLY get my attention! I won't say "NO"! It is NOT feasible to keep both at this time.

October 27, 2010
He has since been named mikey. For my birthday I was given the gift of sterilization. Him not me! He still has issues deeply rooted due to insecurity and abandonment. Mia has been instrumental in teaching him how to understand me and Christopher. Although I have a more nurturing attitude about life, This is a picture of both on the window ledge in Christopher's room. Something about him they both fight over. I'm just chop liver.

...Gifts to Send...

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